Flores e Sementes

Comércio de plantas, flores e transporte rodoviário de carga para atender suas necessidades.

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos plantas, flores, sementes e transporte rodoviário para atender suas necessidades comerciais.

Vendas de Plantas

Comércio varejista de plantas e flores naturais, com variedade e qualidade para todos os clientes.

A vibrant display of colorful flowers arranged on a pink table outside a flower shop. The arrangement includes red and pink roses, placed in various pots and metal containers with price tags. The shop window reflects a car and more plant arrangements in the background.
A vibrant display of colorful flowers arranged on a pink table outside a flower shop. The arrangement includes red and pink roses, placed in various pots and metal containers with price tags. The shop window reflects a car and more plant arrangements in the background.
Transporte Rodoviário

Realizamos transporte rodoviário de carga, intermunicipal, interestadual e internacional, com segurança e eficiência.

Atacado de Sementes

Fornecemos sementes, flores e gramas em atacado, atendendo a demanda de empresas e revendedores.
A variety of flowers arranged in bouquets are on display, featuring tulips, hydrangeas, and other blooms, each labeled with price tags in a market or floral shop setting.
A variety of flowers arranged in bouquets are on display, featuring tulips, hydrangeas, and other blooms, each labeled with price tags in a market or floral shop setting.
Various bouquets of colorful flowers are neatly arranged on display, each wrapped in decorative paper and labeled with price tags. The assortment includes roses, sunflowers, and other vibrant blooms, set against a wooden surface.
Various bouquets of colorful flowers are neatly arranged on display, each wrapped in decorative paper and labeled with price tags. The assortment includes roses, sunflowers, and other vibrant blooms, set against a wooden surface.


Atendemos em diversas regiões com produtos de qualidade, incluindo plantas, flores e serviços de transporte rodoviário de carga.


Rua das Flores, 123


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